Blog 4


The Interactive Learning Design subject of our group is Teaching Self-care to Freshman Students. I searched this topic on YouTube and found this video. The video is short and interesting, which I think will help students get a general idea of the course when they are new to the subject. The video gives some examples of ways self-care can help mental health. So viewers watching this video can initiate some student-student discussions, for example, about methods they’ve used or things they think they could do in the future. However, the video does not force viewers to participate in the discussion.

In the process of watching this video, students can make some notes by themselves, because the video contains some simple definitions and examples, which may be helpful in future learning. Additionally, students can also write some reflection, reflecting on some things or actions that they have done before but did not know are self-care, and thinking about what has been effective and how to do in the future.

In my opinion, when designing videos for students to learn, some simple questions can be added to the videos to elaborate interaction with learning materials. For example, insert multiple choice questions at every point in the video and only watch the rest of the video if the answer is correct. The teacher should also be able to see each student’s answers in the background, for example, which choices are fallible, and students generally do not answer correctly until they have made several mistakes. Lastly, the teacher should explain the error-prone content in detail in the next class and give the students feedback accordingly. On the basis of this operation, such videos can expand the scale of students, because teachers can directly see the statistics in the background. However, if there are short answer questions instead of multiple choice questions in the video, it will be a lot of work for the teacher, and it will not accommodate more students.

In order to ensure the inclusiveness of videos, I think we should do the following. First of all, the video should be adjustable speed and provide subtitles, which can help the hearing impaired and non-native learners learn more effectively. Also, there should be people of different races and colors in the video. In addition, the video should also provide technical support to help learners solve any technical problems they encounter when using the video.


Self Care. (n.d.).

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