Blog Post #3

With the current level of network development, students often develop their professional networks through a variety of digital platforms. First of all, Facebook is a social software that most people use every day. There are some professional social groups on Facebook, which can help students and professionals to provide social opportunities. Secondly, LinkedIn is also a very popular professional digital social platform, which can help students connect with professionals, and even find a professional internship for themselves. In addition, I think Twitter is also a good digital platform for developing professional networks, where students can follow people in their field and participate in relevant conversations.

I think expanding the professional learning network is a gradual process. Firstly, at the very beginning, we need to define our goals, understand our interests and areas, and what the purpose is. The second is to find the right network platform, for example, if the ultimate goal is to find an internship that we are interested in, then choose LinkedIn. In addition, it is best to create content that will attract others’ attention, either by sharing it ourselves or commenting on what others have said.

The professional learning network is a very complex role. If it is properly used, it will bring us a lot of convenience. However, if our privacy is not well protected, it may also bring unimaginable consequences. First, since concerns about data privacy may distrust the platform, there may be hesitation in sharing one’s thoughts. It is also possible that the background information of some professionals is not complete enough, leading to the mistake of thinking that they are crooks, and thus missing the opportunity. However, data privacy and security may also contribute to PLN. Some popular and large professional platforms can help users let down their guard and become more willing to share themselves. In addition, as more and more people understand the importance of cybersecurity, web developers need to innovate to provide users with a more trustworthy and secure digital platform.

At the moment, the digital platform I use most is LinkedIn because I hope to get a co-op job in the future. First of all, when I started to use this software, I organized my background information and displayed it on my homepage, including my academic background, work background, and some volunteer activities I participated in in the past, so as to show my background as rich as possible. Then, I followed people in professional fields based on my region and the career I was interested in. Sometimes, I send them simple questions directly, and once, I arranged a video call with an HR from a company I really like, and it was very rewarding for me.

I think my existing digital identity is still very inadequate, only a few work experience, not very bright, and not enough to stand out from the crowd of applicants. I think I need to participate in as many activities, volunteers and projects as possible at this stage, so as to better enrich my digital identity.

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